Monday, November 16, 2015


Well, you're here.

You could have found your way here by a number of paths- perhaps you were just perusing the inter-webs, perhaps you heard about this place somehow. How you got here doesn't matter so much as the fact that you are here.

Well, this is obviously a blog site. But the hope is that it can be a bit more then just that. The desire for this place is that it would be a place of community. Community is a wonderful thing, and something that we should try and partake of often. Our goal is that this place would be a place of community for the general highschool. This is a place for the people of God, specifically those who are working their way through the onslaught of Senior High. This blog was born from the mind of highschoolers with highschoolers in mind.

Peership is a powerful thing. Peers are people who are on the same level as you. You share something inherently, whether that be your age, your friendgroup, or a localized community. The power that comes with being peers with someone is the fact that their thoughts are inherently best understood by you. There actions are most applicable to you. Their feelings are felt most empathetically by you. Peership is powerful.

Our goal here is to harness that power. What you're going to find here simply the thoughts and musings of a few of your peers who are trying to tune their hearts to Heaven. We want to create a place to simply commune in thought together. This life stage that we're all in is intense. It's messy, it's tiring, it's full of joy, it helps us discover our potential and it is one of the most formative stages of our lives.

We'll be sharing thoughts on a variety of topics- prayer, community, purity, service and lots more. We're fighting a tempest in this world. It's a storm of selfishness, lust, shame, and distraction. But together, as the People of God, through his power, we can stand. We can fight the tempest.

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